“The future of the world is in my classroom today.”
—Ivan Welton Fitzwater
Do you feel inadequate at times as a teacher?
- Do you feel disappointed in your lack of inspiration?
- Do you remember why you went into teaching, and think you are a far cry from your ideal?
- Are you in a cycle of not putting in the planning time you need to?
- Do you feel lacking in being a role model for your students?
- Are you feeling burnt out?
Does it seem impossible to be the teacher you want to be given the school or school system? - Are you yearning to find the sweet spot of work life balance?
"Now, what really makes a teacher is love for the human child; for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission.”
—Maria Montessori
We offer teacher coaching, which is life coaching with specific support around teaching. All of our teacher programs have in common the intertwining of surrendering into the heart of your source of inspiration so that you are serving from this place, while simultaneously employing habits of high performance.
“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”
—Steve Jobs